Monday, September 30, 2019

God and Morality Essay

The question is this – Is it possible to be of good moral character while not believing in God? Looking at the definition of morality as defined in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy the term morality can be used descriptively or actively. A] to refer to some code of conduct put forward by a society or some other group such as religious. Or put forward by a society and is acceptable to an individual for his or her own behavior. B] to refer to a code of conduct that, given specific conditions would be put forward by all rational persons. Morality appears to be separate from religion and although not spoken of or referred to as such there are different groups of moral persons, not all are viewed as good or just. Some examples may include Christian morality, Nazi morality, Greek morality etc. At times etiquette is included as part of morality. Hobbs expresses a standard view when he talks about manners. â€Å"By manners I mean not here decency of behavior, as how one man should salute another, or how a man should wash his mouth or pick his teeth before company and such other parts of small morals, but those qualities of mankind that concern their living together in peace and unity. † (Hobbs, 2010). The laws and our legal system is distinguished by a moral system that includes having written laws or rules, penalties and officials to make the laws and enforce God and Morality pg. 3 the laws and then penalize. Laws are often evaluated on moral grounds. Moral critisism is often used to support a change in a current law or to design a new law. Religion differs from morality or having a moral system. Religious morality is based on stories or events that are past. These stories and events are used to justify the behavior that religion prohibits or requires. At times morality is regarded as the code of conduct that is put forward by religion. Morality is thought by many to need some religious explanation or justification. However, just as with law some practices and precepts are critical on moral grounds. Morals provide us with a guide for conduct, where as religion is always more than that. The definition and description of morality tells us that morality is a belief system that follows the rule of â€Å"goodness†. It is similar to a â€Å"blanket† over society and is separate from religion. Even in these times morality is always in question. In an article written by a Baltimore Sun journalist titled â€Å"The Morality Brigade. † The writer expresses his opinion onto his readers stating that â€Å"We’re still legislating and regulating private morality, while at the same time ignoring the much larger crisis of public morality in America. † (Reich, R. 2013) He continues on to back up his accusations. He writes that legislatures in North Dakota passed a bill banning abortions after 6 weeks. (At which time a heart beat is detectable) as well as approved a fall referendum that could ban all abortions by defining human life beginning at the time of conception. He continues on that these same legislatures God and Morality pg. 4 â€Å"worry about fetuses but they show little concern for what happens to children after they are born. They and other conservatives have been cutting funding for child nutrition, health care for infants and their mothers, and schools. † (Reich, R. 2013). This is just an example of American Morality. So it seems that at this point I have defined what morality is and how it can be applied. I have also touched on Religion and Morality being a very separate entity. Now I will discuss God and Morals. It is very possible for a person to not believe in God and posses high moral standards. Understanding that the person being moral is not due to their belief in God, it is independent of that. Having a belief in God is dogmatic to say the least. There is no rational way to say that God exists. To believe in God one must bypass reason and embrace faith. This is ok if believing in God gives a person comfort and security, although if we tie God to morality it may become problematic. Something as important and influential as morality should not be based on a dogma. If there is no proof that God exists beyond a shadow of a doubt than why do people still believe? Indoctrinate plays more of a role than rational and clear thinking. Religious indoctrination caters to our psychological insecurities and needs, not to reason. Think of some things that we know do not exist. An example would be the tooth fairy or maybe unicorns. We are proud to be skeptical and disapproving, however religion tells us when it comes to believing in God, faith is a virtue. God and Morality pg. 5. Morality is an autonomous human virtue that is independent of God. Otherwise, it would not be possible that atheists behave with impeccable moral standards and so many God believers do not have any morals. Let it also be noted that the great moral traditions of the world do not bring God into morality. Two of the most recognized and adored moral traditions in the east, Confucianism and Buddhism do not believe in God. The roots of morality in the west are in the idea of ancient Greeks, especially Plato and Aristotle who based their morality on reason alone, not on any dogma. It appears that religions who originate in the Middle East have a pronounced inclination to base morality on God. These same religions are also the most violent ones in history, killing many in the name of God. There is no evidence that theists are more moral than monotheists. Physiological studies have failed to find a significant correlation between the frequency of religious worship and moral conduct. An example is that convicted criminals are much more likely to be theists than not. With this being said it is a clear assumption that good people do good because they want to do good. It is not because they personally benefit from the good they do or because they are being forced. Fundamentalists perceive that the universal moral standards are required for the proper function of a society. Philosophers as diverse as Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, George Edward Moore, and John Rawls have demonstrated to us that it is possible to have universal morality without having a belief in God. God and Morality pg. 6 As is stated by Paul Kurtz â€Å"One needs no theological grounds to justify these elementary principles. They are rooted in Human experience. † (Kurtz, P.1996) Now we will discuss that morality and God are linked and that religious beliefs are linked to the morality of each and every person who chooses to live their life in a moral way. If God does not exist, says Dostoyevsky’s Ivan Karamazov, â€Å"everything is permitted,† which means that we as humans can make choices whether they are good or bad, hurtful or nice. The direction in which society is going in suggests that people have lost their â€Å"way†. Too many bad things happen due to human badness. God is no longer allowed in public places, schools, government agencies, etc. This argument suggests that because God has slowly disappeared from our day to day lives society is going downhill at a very fast pace. Does this mean that God is linked to morals in our modern society? Fundamentalists claim that all ill’s in today’s society such as aids and out of wed lock pregnancy are a direct result of a breakdown in morality and this breakdown is due to a decline in the belief in God. The view that God created the moral law is often called the â€Å"Divine Command Theory of Ethics† According to this view is that what makes an action right is that God wills it to be done. All standards that we live by have consequences if not followed or adhered to. There is the fear of punishment. If we speed in our car we are given a ticket. If we God and Morality pg. 7 Sin our souls will spend eternity in hell. Heaven and Hell are often construed as the carrot and the stick that God dangles in front of to make us tow the line, to keep on the straight and narrow. Heaven is the reward and hell is the punishment. Would society be able to function correctly and morally if these rewards and punishments were not in plain view? We have lawmakers and peacekeepers all over the world to help make and enforce the laws so that people know there are consequences. Morals are no different. They help define a person’s goodness and worthiness of the ultimate reward, eternity in heaven. Moral standards without moral sanctions just simply do not mean much. Any person who thinks that it is sufficient to have relative standards that are based upon what groups or individuals feel is right or just cannot see a connection between God and morality. Moral principles such as don’t steal, don’t murder etc.must be objective and practiced by all putting aside any personal conflicts. When people accept moral principles without having a reason to they do not hold these principles as closely as someone who believes in God simply because there are no carrot or stick to hold them in place where they need to be, rather a personal belief or a mandated belief by societal rules in what is right or wrong If we recognize that God does exist than we recognize that God created the world and mankind in his own likeness. For this argument it makes sense to say that God controls the world which justifies ethical obligations. To deny God’s existence we God and Morality pg. 8 Are ethically obligated to what exactly? We typically learn morality from our parents and from those we love, we are conditioned to follow a morally righteous path in life, however to have such a standard of moral obligation can only be granted by God, binding every person and demanding such impeccable respect. By letting God into our lives we are accepting good instead of evil, we are consummating the fact that we are moral and ethical. By allowing God’s teachings and praise into our lives we are promised a more enriching morally accepted life. My view prior to doing any research was that Yes! You can lead a moral life without having a belief in God. I was raised Catholic, I even went to Catholic school, however, I have questioned my own religion over the years and now I have turned my back on it. I do bring my children to church which allows them to draw their own conclusions about God. I want them to have that choice in life and of course I would never condemn them for believing in God. It is just my personal choice. I live in the Bible belt and I always get asked the question, â€Å"where do you go to church? † I typically tell them that I do not go to church, which is similar to having the plague. It is not that I am not a good person. I feel that I am. Any morals and values that I have my parents have instilled in me. I also believe that the â€Å"rules† or commandments of God are simply a guide established at the time the bible was written to keep society in line. I absolutely agree with the fact of you do not have to believe in God to be moral. I make choices everyday and my choices are based on God and Morality pg. 9the things that I believe to be the best choice for the people I love, people I do not know and myself. I have never had any problems reaching out to help another person whether I knew them or not. I also feel that I go above and beyond at times helping others when I need to. Living a good moral life is a choice and I do it for no other reason than to be there for someone else. I do not do it for glory or self righteousness, or because someone is looking, I do it because for me it is all about treating others the way I wish to be treated. God and Morality pg. 10 References Baumin, S. (2008) Antitheism and Morality. Philosophical Forum retrieved March 27, 2013 from http://dx. doi. org/10. 111/j. 1467-9191. 2007. 00282. x Frame and Poythress. A debate between John Frame and Paul Kurtz. Do we Need God to be Moral? retrieved March 25,, 2013 from http:// poythress. org/do-we-need-god-to-be-moral/ Gert, Bernard. (2012) The Definition of Morality. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalto (ed. ), retrieved March 27, 2013 from http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/fall2012/entries/morality-definition. Merrill, K. R. (2012) Spectres of False Divinity:Hume’s Moral Atheism. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from http://search. proquest. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/docview/1288432167. accountid=32521 Reich, R. B. (2013)The Morality Brigade retrieved March 27,2013 from http://baltimoresun. com/opinion/bal-the-morality-brigade-20130326,0,146487 God and Morality pg. 11 Schick, T. Jr. (1995)Morality Requires God†¦. or Does it? Retrieved March 25, 2013 from http://www. secular. humanism. org/index. php? section=library&page=schick_17_3.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Keith Haring

Keith Haring Looking at different drawings form various artists make me realize that even though they are so different, they have a lot in common. They think differently, but both produce incredible art works. Keith Haring is and was an excellent artist with a clear vision of each of his paintings and a magnificent result. His art works have always been cartoon with a touch of his own style and his own ideas.Keith Haring subjects of his work varied, but they mainly consisted of emotions about birth, death, sex and war, Keith Haring started to get recognized after people saw his street art in the subways, but then he later moved around the world and he ended up with more than 50 pieces of art around dozens of countries. Keith Haring was openly gay and was a strong advocate of safe sex however, in 1988, Haring was diagnosed with AIDS.He established the Keith Haring Foundation in 1989, its mandate being to provide funding and imagery to AIDS organizations and children's programs like ki nder stern, and to expand the audience for Haring’s work through exhibitions, publications and the licensing of his images. Haring enlisted his imagery during the last years of his life to speak about his own illness and generate activism and awareness about AIDS.A lot of harigs work might have been about war and sex was because during his times there was the Vietnam war that was going on, and just 2 months after his death the gulf war in Iraq started, also the reason he chose sex in his art was because i think that it was his aids that contributed to the fact that he was able to draw so passionately about something like sex .Todd Marronne uses some artistic techniques like Haring, for example the use of the thick black marker is used in every single one of his paintings, also the paint is of the same type of paint that creates that cartoony, but deep effect that both artist always use. In my own point of view I see Keith Haring as an artist that puts the events of his life i nto his work and even though the events might not be positive, he represents them in a funny and entertaining way. His art work is either very colorful or black and white.I think that by this Keith might be showing his emotions or he wants to divide up happy from sad memories. Where Keith lived and the time of his life when he lived there influenced his work at many points. As there was war surrounding him, his pieces of art usually reflected on this. He was trying to bring through peace and happiness. Also as I have mentioned earlier, Keith was diagnosed with AIDS. With this sickness Keith developed an opinion for safe sex and many of his drawings reflected on that.As Keith Haring inspired Todd Marronne, there are a lot of things showing from Marronne’s work that proves this. There are many obvious things like the bright colors, cartoon characters, and sense of humor. There is one similarity which also differs them from each other. As Keith Haring does cartoon characters, he makes them basic and simple shapes and mostly concentrates on the message they’re sending whereas Todd Marronne draws cartoon characters into a lot of detail and concentrates on making the shape of the bodies and faces more realistic, but still very cartoonish.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Holistic Approach to Ambulatory Care

The use of technology is being adopted extensively in the healthcare field as funds increase due to policy changes, especially HITECH, and the need to implement electronic health records (EHR) is recognized. Promote consumer / patient access and participation in health care portals (Sackett, 2013). The use of technology will enable patients to track important health information. This may be useful to change the care of the primary care provider, which means that unnecessary attempts to provide a past medical history to the physician's clinic can be eliminated. This document describes the development of medical care in the outpatient clinical setting and the future direction, the explosive development of technology, the change in the payment pattern, the role of nursing staff, the challenges facing nursing professionals and the characteristics of outpatient experts I will outline it. Medical reform, Affordable medical law, Implementation of care adjustment as a strategy to improve hea lth and prevent re-hospitalization, and Transition from volume-based care to value-based care, interest in outpatient care environment Is rising. Current and future medical website Specialized outpatient care is a complex and multifaceted occupation that includes both independent and collaborative work.The comprehensive practice of outpatient care is based on a wide knowledge of nursing and health science and it is clinically applied to the care process Expertise: Nurses use evidence-based information at various outpatient medical facilities to achieve and secure patient safety and care quality while improving patient outcomes. In 2001, this professional occupation announced a series of outpatient care and nursing knowledge revised in 2006 for the first time. Outpatient nursing core course (AAACN, 2001). This core course is still an important and relevant resource, and many nurses use it to lead a place for outpatient clinical practice. Specialized outpatient care is a complex and m ultifaceted occupation that includes both independent and collaborative work.The comprehensive practice of outpatient care is based on a wide knowledge of nursing and health science and it is clinically applied to the care process Expertise: Nurses use evidence-based information at various outpatient medical facilities to achieve and secure patient safety and care quality while improving patient outcomes.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Scandinavian Airlines System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Scandinavian Airlines System - Assignment Example SAS pioneered in the Arctic route in 1954 with flight from Copenhagen to Los Angels. In 1957 with transpolar service to Tokyo. SAS is also Pioneer in using modern technology within Europe or to US reducing travel time and improving quality of flight. There was a boom in terms of profit in 50s, 60s and 70s. The problems started appearing in late 70s and early 80s. There was substantial reduction in the profits. Jan Carlzon accepted Presidency of this Giant in 1981. Looking at the recent reduction in profits Carlzon had take drastic measures for a improving the financial status of the company. He undertook various strategies and was able to achieve sustainable growth rate for SAS. (INSEAD CEDEP 1988) Carlzon being a sharp and intelligent business leader at once noticed that due to stagnation in the market and over capacity company was losing its market share against competitors. He understood that he should chalk out a new business strategy to deal with the situation. The first strategy that proven and tested by him in his previous venture. He decided to reduce the fleet so that the operation costs may be reducing thus increasing the profit. The replacement of large aircraft in smaller ones would be more cost effective and it would be helpful in increasing the frequency of flights on short and busy routes. He also planned to convert the first class to Business class with almost similar facilities but lower rates. Resource-based theories of strategy As discussed earlier the previous management was more interested in acquiring the planes of latest technology and also of larger size. These planes drained the resources of group and also increased the operations costs. He asked the managers to cut those expenses that were not productive but should not hesitate in raising those that may increase the productivity of the company. Administrative costs were reduced by 25% but also good investments were made into new services and facilities and aircraft interiors. Another important step taken by Group was to expand the circle of their services. The group wanted to take care all the needs of customer from buy tickets to going back home. Introducing SAS International Hotels did this. In 1983, SIH became a separate division within SAS group. (INSEAD CEDEP 1988) Human-resource-based theories of strategy As Carlzon believed in quality not quantity, so he brought about wholesale changes in the human resources section of the group. As the size of fleet was reduced, consequently the number of staff was also reduced. But on the other hand, new recruitments were made on smaller scale where the quality was decisive factor not quantity. As he introduced new products so different, type of staff was required for that. In past there was a bureaucratic atmosphere, everybody just sticked to the company policy, there was no personal initiative involved. For

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Principles of Visual Communication Messages Essay - 1

Principles of Visual Communication Messages - Essay Example This paper highlights that the scene where the art was created is some distance away from where community members reside. They were trying to raise some money by converting the parking lot into a modern park with a good playground. It is one of the strongest examples of my artistic work that has been nicely decorated to capture almost all aspects of the modern artistic work. This is because of the color used, outward appearance and the shape of the art. Its outward image also gives more than one representation of what the artist was trying to explain unlike his first artistic work that showed only one meaning. There was no mixing of information and the features presented within the art are proportional to one another. This work is of high quality though seen by most people as cheap and low in quality. For this reason, most people consider his work as deceitful. In fact, this type of work is not devious since an experienced and knowledgeable individual does it. â€Å"Davis argues tha t he normally does his work in this manner in order to save time and avoid arrest by law enforcers†. Ethical perspective â€Å"The image produced has some ethics in it, for instance the car parking being changed to a park implies that there are some reasons for that; may be the surrounding has attractive environmental features where people may relax their minds by looking at them rather than being a parking lot.† The presence of a person within the work shows that it is meant for people and the way it is presented shows ethics since there is no disorderliness. It is also clear and of three-dimensional appearances and; therefore, the whole piece can be easily analyzed. It can also be photocopied easily and produce other similar pieces within a very short time unlike other art works which are in sketchy form .

Energy Efficient Food System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Energy Efficient Food System - Essay Example Form this explanation; it is very clear that any food system is affected not only by environmental factors but by also social, political and economic factors play a major role. (Michael Webber, Scientific American: â€Å"How to Make Food System More Energy Efficient† Jan 2012) expresses this point by looking at: 1. How food-energy relationships are changing. 2. What ways of food production are over utilizing the available energy, how they do it? 3. Ways of improving the food-energy ratio. According to the article, there has been an increase in the demand for energy especially fossil fuels and diverse countries are trying to fight this demand but are overlooking the food system as a major user of energy. There are certain farming methods which eventually lead to more energy being used to utilize food than that which we get from that same food. Evidence shows that there is a 10.1 ratio of energy input to food output and more energy is used to preserve and prepare food due to the use of more machinery like tractors. The author expresses optimism in improving this ratio, for example, he suggests stopping using corn kernels for starch-based ethanol as this seems like a process of interfering with nature. Conversion of agricultural waste like manure into products of power is another way to curb entering into the energy-danger zone. This can also provide vital nutrients to livestock and make more food available to us, for instance feeding of livestock by algal biomass will enable there to be more corn as food for humans thus less energy used for food production. Drip irrigation are among other pilot methods that have been used successfully not to mention improving our behavior like reducing food wastage and dietary options of eating lesser portions of food will go a long way in improving the 10.1 ratio. The high population increase in the world means a greater demand for food and thus higher demand for energy to produce this food. Some areas which were seen as non-agricultural areas for instance great deserts, were improved so as to be agricultural but there is still high energy consumption through transportation and irrigation and this does not solve this problem. Such a situation is described in instances where more energy is used to make food than that given out by the same food. There are instances where plants only convert less than 2% of solar energy into stored energy which is consumed by animals which are then consumed by humans and is again stored as glycogen instead of being given out. After thorough review of past experiments done by experts, the author believes that there is still hope in improving the 10.1 ratio. From studying researches done, it is clear that if the Americans stop using corn kernels for starch-based ethanol, they will be able to produce up to 15 gallons of corn-based feed-stocks which can be used as feed for both livestock and humans. Other ways of doing this are through; Use of cellulose sources for energy instead of food-based sources Conversion of agricultural waste into power using anaerobic digesters Using carbon-dioxide from smokestacks at coal plants to grow algae for food. Implementing agricultural techniques which have been perfected in pilot diagrams will also reduce the 10.1 ratio. For example drip irrigation creates less water wastage than sprinkle irrigation, in states like Iowa, researchers say

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My plan for self fulfillment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My plan for self fulfillment - Assignment Example I consider this my ideal self, for this is what I aspire to do or what I think’ I should’ do. Similarly my self-fulfillment would be in succeeding in my said goal. Therefore, it is imperative for me to take appropriate steps in order to achieve my goal which would lead to my ‘Self-fulfillment’ and the achievement of’ Ideal-self’. In order to succeed in my education I must allocate appropriate timings to devote myself for study. It would be possible by realizing that my studies are more important than play or any other indulgences. At the same time I must also realize what my responsibilities at home are. This can be fulfilled by contributing to my household chores equally and enthusiastically and lending hands to parents and family members in daily activities. Thirdly, in order for me to succeed in my professional life, I must be sincere and dedicated in my work and must contribute to the society effectively with my job. Ultimately to balance all of these three aspects of my life I must know how much time and effort to allocate for which role. Therefore, if I succeed in achieving this balance in life, I fulfill the concepts of ‘self-fulfillment’ and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Type II diabetes in Adults Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Type II diabetes in Adults - Research Paper Example process of the disease, the pancreases makes extra insulin to make up for it but as time progresses it can no longer keep up and lacks the ability of making enough insulin of sustaining the glucose levels to their normal levels. The liver, fat and muscle cells lack their ability to respond correctly to insulin, and the blood sugars do not get into the cells where they are stored for energy. Thus, this results in a high level of sugars building up in the blood a condition that is referred to as hyperglycemia. When greater glucose levels build up in the blood, the body lacks its ability to function properly. This can result in damage to nerves and small vessels in the kidneys, eyes and heart resulting in atherosclerosis, heart attacks or even stroke. Dehydration is also bound to result as high levels of sugars build up results in increased urination, and the person may also suffer from a diabetic coma (Guidelines & Force, 2005). The symptoms of type II diabetes build up slowly, and an individual may be suffering from the condition for years without their knowledge. Common symptoms include increased urination and thirst as the excess buildup of sugars in the body causes fluids to be pulled out of the body tissues. The person also suffers from increased hunger due to the inability of insulin to help in the moving of sugar in the cells and body muscles thus the person become depleted of energy. Weight loss is another symptom though individuals have a tendency of eating more than usual in an effort of relieving hunger (Alberti et al., 2007). Due to the body’s inability of metabolizing glucose, it utilizes other sources of energy stored in fat and muscles resulting in weight loss. The person also suffers from fatigue due to the depletion of sugars in the body, therefore; the body becomes irritable and tired. When the sugars levels are too high, the fluid is pulled from the eye lenses resulting in blurred vision. Other symptoms include slow healing and reduce body

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Reasons Why Abortion should not be Legalized Essay

The Reasons Why Abortion should not be Legalized - Essay Example In some countries, abortion is illegal while it is recognized in certain countries. It is a fact that abortions have been carried out whether legally or illegally. However, this is a controversial topic since it is regarded as a serious moral issue which is often viewed as wrong. As such, this argumentative paper seeks to critique an op-ed paper by Antoni which is entitled, ‘Abortion should be legal.’ Antoni takes a pro-abortion stance and argues that the choice should be left to the women to decide to have an abortion or not. Against this background, this paper is going to argue against abortion as suggested by Antoni since I strongly believe that abortion should be illegal. However, Antoni also suggests that abortion should be illegal. The paper will start by summarising the points made in this op-ed paper. The second part seeks to critique why abortion should not be legalized. A synthesis of the whole discussion will be carried at the end of the paper in order to arti culate the position taken by this writer in view of abortion. According to the op-ed article entitled ‘Abortion should be legal,’ there are different reasons why women should be given the opportunity to terminate unwanted pregnancies. This view is also supported by Warton (6) who suggests that abortion should be seen as the last resort for women to gain control of their lives after horrific situations leading to their pregnancies they would have encountered. In some cases, pregnancy is a result of incest or rape and it is advocated that a woman should have a choice of terminating the pregnancy in such a situation. This is seen as a viable alternative of liberating women who would have been traumatized by the experience encountered that could have led to the pregnancy. In the event that the pregnancy is against the mother’s wishes and is beyond her control, I agree that abortion should be treated as the most viable option that can liberate the mother from the sad events leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Tribe (3) also concurs that rape amounts to the denial of liberty to the victim who may live with sad memories or trauma which negatively impacts on her well being. In such as situation, termination of the pregnancy can be advocated. In some circumstances, pregnancy can be terminated if it endangers the life of the fetus or the mother and I share the same view with this idea. It may not be a noble idea to have a deformed child as she may not enjoy the life of a normal human being. In some instances, if the life of the mother is endangered as a result of the pregnancy, it can be terminated at an earlier date to avoid complicating her health which can lead to death. The case of Jane Roe v. Henry Wade is one good example where the US Supreme court upheld that the Constitution of the United States should not permit the government to interfere with a woman’s right to opt for an abortion. However, the anti-thesis statement of this op-ed sug gests that abortion should not be legal because it is immoral. I strongly believe in this assertion given that there is no person with a right to end life. Even a fetus must be given the right to life since its life cannot be simply terminated as a result of the mother’s wrongdoing in some cases. Usually, a child does not apply to be born hence it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the child is given the chance to be born alive. It is also my belief that ending life is ungodly given that we are all created in the image of God hence no one should have the right to end life.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lockheed management Essay Example for Free

Lockheed management Essay We examined the decision to invest in the Tri-Star project by forecasting the cash flow associated with the project for a volume of 210 planes. We also asked what a valid estimate of the NPV of the Tri-Star project at a volume of 210 planes as of 1967 would be. We found this to be -$584 M. This was clearly an unacceptable NPV for capital budgeting on the project. A break-even analysis revealed that the project reached economic break-even with the production of 275 planes at . 5 M per unit but did not reach value break-even at that level of production. Despite industry analysts predicting 300 units as Lockheed’s break-even sales point, at this level, net present value remained insufficient to cover costs at negative $274 million. If the company had performed a true value break-even analysis, management would have realized that roughly 400 Tri Star aircraft (about 67 per year for six years) costing somewhere between $11.75 million and $12 million per unit would have to be sold in order to break even. The investment decision made by Lockheed to pursue the Tri Star program was not a reasonable one. A true value analysis shows that at the production level of 210 units, the project would result in an economic loss of $584.05 million and a profit loss of $480 million. In addition to miscalculating the break-even level of production, Lockheed management overestimated the growth rate of air travel industry.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Story Titled Unbelievable English Literature Essay

A Story Titled Unbelievable English Literature Essay In our world everything is related. Who are we? How did we appear on this tiny comfortable planet? These questions stay unanswered. We can make up different stories for ourselves, but they stay fairytales. I will now tell you a short story, which happened to one simple guy, who was same as me, same as any of my friends. Yet, his life differed from ours from the birth, even though we have own story of ours. This boy was found at the door of the orphanage. He laid in little basket and it looked like life was fading away from him. It was dark around, scary and uncomfortable. Orphanage was empty already, everybody was gone already, and it seemed that nobody was able to help the small dying kid already, even though he needed not much: heat and some milk. Today Natalie Pavlovna had a difficult day, a lot of work, that is why she is late home, but the lady wanted to finish everything fast and go home where children were waiting for her. Under the thought of her Sasha and Zhenya Natalie Pavlovna made a worm smile. She had wonderful kids who loved her and cared for her. It wasnt difficult to take care of them, even though she raised them alone. When her man, nine years ago unexpectedly left her, Sasha and Zhenya stayed the only point of her life. Kids became her friends and helpers. So now she has finished her job and hurries home. As she had passed the hall, she pushed the door with power and stepped in the direction of cold, piercing wind. Sudden sound commanded her to stop and look around. What is this? She saw a small basket. When she saw what is in it, the hair on her head started to move. Newborn child!!! In the basket was a small, newborn, and freezing child!!! The heart of a woman shrinked because of pity! Natalie Pavlovna saved his life, took care of him, gave him his warmth, and after all legal procedures, their family became bigger on one person. Natalie Pavlovna gave him the name Viktor- the winner. That is how Vitya gained family, and who knows is it an accident or not. Vitya grew up like the simple child: kind, polite, and funny. His brother and sister loved him very much; they played different games with him, cooked for him-he is the youngest in the family. When he became seven, he went to school. Studying was giving to him really easy, and sometimes it looked like he did not study, but he knew it and he just forgot it. In general their life was silent and happy! That night Vitya was not sleeping, bad presentiments did not allowed him to fall asleep. It was seemed that even the air from around was very heavy. In the morning his mood was not good, but Vitya put his coat on and went to school as usually did. Only when he started to concentrate on the lesson, in their class opened door and teacher silently started to talk with somebody. Vitya was sure that something happened. When the teacher closed -1- the door, she found Vitya with her eyes. She asked him to leave the class. Vitya went and he understood that some changes are happening in his life. Near the window the director of their school was standing. He slowly came to Vitya and said that in their family had a big grief- his mum has got to a serious car accident, so she is in the hospital, and she wishes to see him. The director took Vitya with his hands, and went with him to the courtyard. They came to his car, and director opened the door for Vitya. The boy has sat down in it, and while they were going he thought of his mum, he recollected the holidays of his family and campaigns in parks, forests, on the lake, and when they were on the Black sea in Crimea. They came to the hospital very quickly. Here is a hospital. The cold, grey, and thick walls in the hospital oppressed. Unexpectedly Vitya started to think of, why are the walls in the HOSPITAL are such grey and thick. In the hospital are people who want something fresh and bright, because they feel very bad, but instead there are grey walls, which are making y our mood bad. And also why do the walls need to oppress sick people? If he could change something, he would change the color of walls. With this thoughts he came to the chamber were his mother was lading. Vitya pushed the door and entered the chamber were his mother laid on pillows and looked at the window. When she heard that somebody came to her chamber, she turned and saw Vitya, she tried to smile but she could not. Vitya came to his mum and he took her hand. The same time he did that, he started to feel the unbelievable pain, and the pain was so hard, that he even had choked. In some ten or even less seconds Vitya understood, that that it is not his pain- he feels his mothers pain. He was feeling the sufferings of his mum. He did not know why is it like this, but he knew that he is not wrong. In horror he ran out of the chamber! He was standing near the window, and he tried to understand what has happened to him. Then he heard the talking of two men, they were talking about his mum, the car accident, that her mum does not have any chances to live, because all of her bones are broken. He understood that it is true and also he understood that only he can help his mum. With true feeling of big love, he entered the chamber, approached to the bed, and looked in his mother face. It looked like she looked at him, but she did not see anything. Uncertainly he took his mothers hand, his body pierced the acute pain, but he did not release his mums hand, and than he suddenly felt that the pain of his mother passes. He stood like that some ten more minutes, and than unexpectedly understood that all terrible things are behind. Lifeless he sat down near his mum, and waited when his mom will wake up. How? Why? Vitya wished to think, but he could not. Could not yet! One man from the corridor came to the chamber, and sat near his mum. He turned to Vitya, and asked to leave for a while; he wished to examine Natalie Pavlovna once again. The boy left and even when he was tired , everything was warm and quiet on his heart. Vitya was sure that now with his mum everything would be good. He could not explain from where he has this confidence, but he was sure that he is not wrong. The doctor went back from the chamber, and the deep expressions on his face make Vitya laugh. But he was shocked of what he saw, that he just started to run to the other doctor. When he reached the other doctor, he said that out of thirty years, which he was working in this hospital, the situation like this was the first time. The woman that had just a half of percent, feels well, and that all her bones are not broken. She wants to go back home with her son. -2- How could it be like this? Can you explain this? -The voice of another was very excited and guarded. No. I do not have any explanations. I think they can go! In twenty minutes Vitya with his mum went from the hospital and went home. In the evening everybody from the family were seating near the fireplace and reading. It seemed like his mother did not remember anything. She told to Sasha and Zhenya that she had a small accident, and some good people put her in hospital, they told her that she does not have any serious traumas, then Vitya came took her and they left the hospital. Vitya listened to her, and he was feeling really good. He knew that today he rescued his mum. The boy could not explain how he did that, but has been assured that it managed to return his mum to life. When everybody came to the different rooms, Vitya lay down to sleep, but his mother came. Thanks sonny! I knew that you are special. She gently kissed him and left. Special?! Vitya was lying on the floor with closed eyes, and many different thought went through out his mind. Special! What else he can do. Slowly he has fallen asleep. He dreamed about the green field. Far there were many trees, and their leaves were bright lilac color. Near him were flying multicolored birds. It seemed like all the colors of rainbow painted even the air. All of a sudden there appeared the woman, which starched hands to him. Vitya wanted to run to her, but all of a sudden the loud voice thundered. Ilona! He is not ready yet! He is really small! The woman lowered her hands and started to melt, some two or three seconds passed and woman disappeared. Vitya woke up. His heart was beating really fast, and he could not breathe normally. The dream did not leave him, it seemed like the voice was in his ears even now. Vitya was lying on the bed, but still could not sleep. The woman has put down her hands and started melting. Several seconds passed away and she was gone. Vitya woke up. Heart was beating wildly in his chest. This dream didnt leave his mind! It looked like the voice still rang in his ears. Vitya lay long time without sleep, but progressively he did fall asleep and woke up in the morning fresh. All events, which happened to him yesterday became a background and werent that amazing anymore. Vitya as always went to school, met his friends and started living like an average eight-year-old boy. Two years flew by. Vitya studied, played. Also. Vitya loved dogs a lot. He wanted to buy a puppy, but his mom didnt allow him. His mom explained him that they show up home rarely and couldnt play with him much. Vitya understood it, but he still wanted it a lot! So once Vitya and his friends were walking back from school through the park. It was spring, nature woke up after hibernating in winter. -3- Suddenly kids heard a horrifying barking. Kids ran at the sound and saw a terrible picture. A gigantic dog attacked another dog. The gigantic dog was scary. From the huge jaws spilled sticky saliva, eyes were shining with red light. Kids were far yet, but felt the awful aroma, which surrounded the beast. Kids were frightened and they have stopped. The monster had slaughtered the other dog, which was defending something till its last breath. But here was its last breath and the victim, bloody, wounded, and scowled last time. The monster didnt calm down! It needed something the dead dog has protected with the value of own life. Very shortly kids saw what was the target of the monster. A puppy! Little helpless puppy! One more second and its tiny body will be bitten in two parts by the filthy fangs of this titanic dog. Vitya couldnt hold it and he screamed! Slowly. Very slowly the monster has turned his horrible face towards the kids. It looked like the dog smiled. Suddenly he turned and sprinted towards kids. Several meters separated kid from the dog, in fear they watched, how the dog was getting closer. They clearly saw the mad, blood filled, eyes. They understood that their faith is what of the killed dogs. Monster ran towards the kids and prep ared to jump. Unexpectedly it started watching Vitya straight in the eyes. It looked like it was trying to understand something. -Go away! Leave us alone! Said Vitya. And suddenly the dog appealed! He turned away and slowly staggered away. Kids in fear watched this furious fight of Vitya against the dog. While Vitya in this time already held the puppy in his arms and walked home. He knew that two never going to be separated. When mother heard the story of Jack, this name Vitya chose for his four- legged friend, she wasnt against the fact that the puppy would stay and live with them. Puppy grew fast. It looked, like him and Vitya understood each other without any words. Two more years past away. Nothing special happened to Vitya. At last here he sees a dream. He is again at the field, but the air smells like something has burned, and Vitya feels pain, someones pain! Again there is a woman in front of him, which he had seen before. She looks at him extremely gently. -Hello Vitya! she doesnt say anything, but Vitya hears her. -Vitya, you were born on this planet. Earth needs help and you were sent there to save humanity from devastation . We are not alone in the galaxy. There are many more planets with life on them and not all of them are kind. Planet Kloakie is full of evil creatures. They have destroyed many intelligent races and now want to destroy people on Earth. They need Earth, because on this planet is very pleasant environment for the life of Kloakans. They are about to bring virus to Earth, which will destroy the humanity. You have a lot of power; you can heal people only with touch. Your goal is to help people and prevent spreading of the diseases. They are going to try to stop you, but you have to save the people. Now you have to learn everything. You still have time. -4- Vitya woke up. He remembered, how he healed his mother, how strange did the monster-dog acted in front of him. He thought about that he always felt special. He thought about his mother, about how strong is his love towards her, towards his brothers. From this moment he had looked at his life values. If hes got faith, he accepts it! Vitya had studied, studied, and studied! Chemistry, physics, anatomy. All these science Vitya studied day by day. Time passed by. Many years passed. Vitya became a doctor. Very good doctor. He cured people, grasped on most hopeless cases. Patients said, that he healed even with his sight, even with his touch. Yet, Vitya remembered his mission every minute, he knew, that major battle for lives of people is to be fought. Once Victor went to the museum. He went there time from time. He liked to spend his time wisely, He liked to discover something new. In the museum he accidentally heard the speech of a man and young boy. -Dad, tell me, why do these monsters appear? Are they scary? I am afraid of them! Son, these are not monsters! These are dressed actors! You dont need to be afraid of them! If i only knew who could show this kind of circus to kids. Victor didnt pay much attention to the speech that time, but when he left the museum, he had a flashback of this speech for some reason. Clearing these thoughts, Victor rested. Suddenly, his attention was captured by two men of about 30-40 years old, wearing the suits and ties, which walked on the road with cars in bold manner, risking to get under the wheels of the automobile. The car had desperately ringed at them. One of the men made a vulgar hand sign and kicked the car, leaving a crack on the wing. When the angry car driver jumped out of car, these hooligans beat him with their fists. The driver jumped back in and shut the door. Two men gave high five to each other and continued their path towards the museum. When they reached the alley, one of them grabbed a rock and pointed towards the museum. While they walked towards the museum they have bullied people on their way. Fights appeared, but even police couldnt bring the justice to the street. People screamed, fought, fell, spill ed with blood. What happened to these men? Who are they and why are they behaving themselves like they are mad? Victor was extremely amazed by the fact, that they had passion to bring pain. Most people did not have this lust to bring pain to people just like selves. Furthermore, their feeling of self-defense was absent. Police with enormous effort finally separated the hooligans from the raging mob. They were beaten hard in this quarrel, thats why the cops brought them straight to the hospital. Victors day, which had such a wonderful start, was hopelessly messed up. Victor thought that he needs to understand the behavior of these men so he headed to the closest hospital. He thought that -5- the hooligans and their victims might be going there and is guesses proved to be right. In the hospital all the empty places were filled with the wounded. While Victor walked the hall, trying to find the hooligans, he had luck to discover something from the parts of speech. These men were famous people; they did a lot of good to the people of the town, especially to kids. Now, they are getting back from circus, which was made especially for kids. Nobody could explain their behavior now. Victor found their room and went inside. Dirty, bloody, men lay at tables, doctors tried to help them. One of them was unconscious. The face of the other one captured victors attention. The eyes of the man went glass, and the jaw hanged. His eyes were dead. Victor decided to talk to the doctor, which helped the man, to find out in what shape was the patient. How can you explain their extraordinary behavior? i dont understand. They dont understand, it looks like they are machines created to kill. We had to give them calming pills,- doctor desperately looked at Victor and continued with the wounded. -What is this? Doctor turned towards Victor. When Victor and Doctor looked at the wounded, they were already dead. With the filling of melancholiness Victor has exit the hospital with numerous questions, for which answers he didnt have. When he arrived home, he relaxed and decided to think out everything calmly. Making himself cup of coffee, he turned on the TV. Instantly his attention went towards the announcement. Young woman told about the strange, unexplained deaths in her town. -Today, his father killed the little child. How did he deserve it?- questioned himself doctor. Blood covered child appeared on the screen. The handle of knife was sticking from his neck. Victor jumped up! It was a boy from museum! What could make father make such a heartless action?- the woman went on.- We are now going to visit the father and we will ask him, what have he done, woman has turned towards the cops, who held the villain. The young guard of law in confusion looked at the camera. He is dead. He has died;-thats all he could say. Victor has turned off the TV and went deep into his mind. What is happening? He couldnt answer this question. He had difficult sleep this night. Some unmatchable thought flew in his mind but he couldnt capture it. Suddenly he woke up. The circus! The hooligans from museum, and the boy with his father went to the circus. Maybe, it was just a coincidence, but vicar felt, that he needed to visit the circus. With such a thought he -6- went back to sleep. To his luck he woke up completely rested. After he ate fast, he went to circus. The weather was bad, rain dropped, freezing wind blew. The circus was built at the edge of a town near the forest. The main part of circus looked sad. Everything was old and breakable. Victor had looked over the audience. Mostly parents with their kids had visited. Moving along the hall, Victor had looked at the artists of the circus. There were a lot of real freaks: the wolfman, snakeman, birdman, who flapped his wings. The main part yet was that Victor felt the pure evil in this place. Evil was everywhere, it ate mind, whispered, surrounded. -Its all my nerves! Thought Victor and looked around. Victor stopped near the dwarf named Echo. -Hello!-greeted him little girl. Hello you too answered Echo with her voice. -Oh mommy he talks like me! Screamed the girl. Victor noticed, that woman gave a fake smile, while in her eyes some strange emotion blinked, she shook her head, like she was trying to get rid of some thoughts. -Whats your name?- asked Victor the dwarf. Victor didnt answer, he was afraid, that the dwarf will hear his voice. His fear was conscious, like with his voice the dwarf could steal his soul. Go away. Go as fast as possible. Thought victor, heading towards the exit with fast steps. At the exit out of circus he was paying attention on the visitors. They pushed each other, moms shouted at their kids roughly. Victor knew for certain, that this circus is evil, and he knew that he will be back here. The shock he had experienced was replaced by cold boldness. He knew what to do. Evil has to be destroyed! Late evening Victor was waiting near the circus already. Only fire can destroy the evil, thought Victor. In his hand he had a canister with fuel. Young man wanted to wait till night, when all devilish artists are going to be asleep, he will combust this cursed circus. Suddenly he felt, how someones ice-cold hand dropped on his shoulder. Turning around he saw one of the actors. He was short, with wide shoulders, almost without no neck. He had short hair and tiny ears. It was senseless to run from him, so victor allowed to capture himself. They went into little room. In the room it was half dark, but he understood, that -7- he was in directors office, the director of this inhumane, cruel circus. The horrifying creature was right in front of Victor. Victor stepped back. This is probably how the offspring of shark and monkey would look. Dark-blue skin, body covered with abs, no neck and ears, two cuts instead of nose, and hands with knife-sharp curved nails. Yellow eyes stared at Victor. The lower part of fish head suddenly opened, and from his jaws sparked razor-sharp teeth, which grew with several rows. Creature has raised on its legs and slowly headed towards Victors direction. -Oh, thats you. Its impossible to hide from you. You visited my circus today. I feel attendance, obstacles. Victor, you cant stop us. In order to stay alive you have to join Kloake. The Earth is doomed. Victor needed all his self-determination, so he could gloriously watch his enemy in the face. -You have to answer now! Life or painful death? You cant save the people, evil is already present and they will kill each others themselves, continued the director. Speedily grabbing the canister with fuel, Victor spilled the fuel at different sides on the floor and lighted the match. The circus got on fire instantly. The soul-piercing howl. Viktor had jumped out of the door fast as lightning. He ran towards the forest. His instincts told him that the monster was still alive. On the edge of the field the sand had moved suddenly and started rising. No, this is not the sand. Its something huge and dark. Director, Victor stepped back and froze on place. His heart was beating wildly. His faith gives him a chance. Viktor has taken out an icon from church. The monster was right above it. Its wicked hand started towards Victor. Victor was defenseless. During his last seconds of life Victor could only make one last pre death scream full of horror and despair. Yet, the malice nails didnt rip his throat. The monster froze. Victor stood up and saw the shiny ray of light. From this ray showed up Ilona and several other people. Their faces were positive and kind. Lady looked at victor and smiled. -You made it, sonny! You stopped the evil and saved the Earth. We never doubted you and always believed in you. Now we take the Kloak to jail, and you have a choice: you can fly away with us or stay on Earth. -I would rather stay home. My home- Earth! Answered Victor. Ilona came close slowly and wiped her hand across Victors face gently. -Goodbye, sonny! People need you, they need your help!- she watched him gently and melted. Soon Victor stayed alone. Slowly he marched out the forest. His heart was light and glad. -8-

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Facts On Aids :: essays research papers

Facts On AIDS Cases of AIDS have been reported in 85 countries. It is estimated between 5 and 10 million people around the world now carry the AIDS virus and that as many as 100 million will become infected over the next 10 years. How can you become infected? 1. sexual intercourse a) vaginal b) anal c) oral Having another sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis, herpes or gonorrhea appears to make someone more susceptible to acquiring HIV infection during sex with an infected partner 2. blood transfusions - since November 1985 in Canada all blood and blood products are tested for HIV antibodies 3. infection drug users by sharing needles or syringes with someone already infected 4. during pregnancy, at birth or through breast feeding, an infected mother can pall the virus to her child How you cannot become infected: 1. sitting next to someone 2. touching or shaking hands 3. eating in a restaurant 4. sharing food, plates, cups or utensils 5. using bathrooms, water coolers, or telephones 6. swimming in a pool or using a hot tub 7. donating blood 8. being bitten by mosquitoes or any other insects Symptoms: Symptoms may not show for 10 years after you become infected by the HIV virus. A month or two after exposure to the virus there may be flu-like symptoms that may last a week to a month and is often mistaken for those of another viral infections. More persistent or severe symptoms that may not surface for a decade or more: - swollen lymph glands - recurrent fever, including "night sweats" - rapid weight loss for no apparent reason - constant fatigue - diarrhea and diminished appetite - white spots or unusual blemishes in the mouth Prevention: 1. abstain for sex 2.have protected sex with latex condoms whenever having anal, oral or vaginal sex 3. limit number of partners 4. do not share needles It is important to educate children for many reasons: 1. to reduce their fears about disease 2. to help delay the beginning of sexual activity 3. to encourage the use of condoms and safer sex practices if children are already sexually active There are many different aids you can use to help teach the children the facts on AIDS: - videos - games - guest speakers - quizzes - papers - presentations - question and answer periods For more information as a future teacher contact: - your local health unit or community health center - your local AIDS organization - AIDS hotlines - your doctor - your family planning clinic - library Be creative when educating children on AIDS. They love to learn about topics such as this if you put enjoyment in the learning process.

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children, 2015

Child abuse in America is an ongoing problem and something needs to be done. There are approximately one million children abused annually in the United States. (Table 339) Cases of child abuse and neglect are reported every ten seconds, and researchers believe that there’s three times that amount that goes unnoticed. (Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Stop the Violence Against Children.) Something needs to be done for these children who are too weak and too powerless to help themselves. Children who have been abused are left with more than just physical scars. They have many psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems as well. Their social lives are affected dramatically, and they suffer lifelong effects. (Lambert) Children tend to be emotionally disturbed years after the abuse, many have IQ scores lower than average, and some have even been classified as mentally retarded. Children who have been abused also show signs of personality and neurological changes. (Oates 119) Sexual abuse has been linked to nightmares, bed wetting, sadness, clinging behavior, and anxiety. Children also showed more aggressive and anti-social behaviors. (Oates 127) Adults who were sexually abused are more prone to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and drug or alcohol problems. (Oates 132-133) Studies show overwhelming evidence of the effects abuse can have on a child, and the way the effects continue into their adult lives. (Oates 135) Speech is dramatically affected from abuse and neglect. Over one third of physically abused children have language delays. (Oates 119) All aspects of language are affected. Written and oral language is affected. The area that children tend to exhibit the most difficulties with is pragmatics. They tend to be l... ...g/topics/humanserv/child_abuse/ Layman, Richard. Child Abuse. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics Inc., 1991. Moses MD, Scott . "Child Abuse." Family Practice Notebook. 08 Sept 2007. Web. 18 Oct 2014. . Oates, R. Kim. The Spectrum of Child Abuse. 8. New York: Brunner/Mazel Inc., 1996. Palusci MD, MS, Vincent J.. "Shaken Baby/Shaken Impact Syndrome." Kids Health For Parents. August 2004. Nemours Foundation. Web. 18 Oct 2014. Santrock, John W. Educational Phycology. Third. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Lambert, Regina. Personal interview. Web. 13 Oct 2014. "Table 339. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Substantiated and Indicated— Victim Characteristics: 2000 to 2008" Census Web. 18 Oct 2014.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Stakeholder Relations :: essays research papers

Brief Many organisations are addressing the relationship they have with stakeholders. Select an organisation that is currently changing its policies towards stakeholders and, acting the role of a key stakeholder representative prepare a positioning statement/report that summarises key issues for your supporters. Background In 1875 J H Mills in Bristol opened a small family grocery store, and in 1900 became a limited company with 12 shops. J H Mills Ltd. turned into Gateway, in 1950, when a major finance house became the major shareholder. The J H Mills shops were then converted to become self-service type supermarkets. Throughout the late 20th century the amount of stores increased dramatically with takeovers and different acquisitions across the country. In 1996 Gateway food markets turned into Somerfield and was floated on the stock exchange and became a plc. The Somerfield group is made up of four separate businesses, which together operate over 1400 stores nationwide in the UK. Firstly, the Somerfield Stores division consists of around 1,000 stores incorporating Somerfield Stores and approximately 450 Kwik Save Stores. Somerfield is a modern high street retailer offering fresh foods, groceries, and household needs. The Kwik Save division was introduced to Somerfield when they announced their unconditional merger on March 20, 1998. Kwik Save's philosophy is to provide a full range of quality products at the lowest price on the high street. The idea was all about no frills low pricing. Somerfield started a  £1 billion programme to convert Kwik Save stores to Somerfield and also modernising the original Somerfield stores. Somerfield's third business is the Convenience division, a group of about 100 stores, ideal for 'top-up' shoppers, offering a range of groceries and provisions in a small store format located in convenient positions. The last of the businesses is Somerfield 24-7, a new, recent venture that allows people to shop for groceries without going into any of the supermarkets, by using the phone, Internet or interactive television and getting the goods delivered to their door. I am a representative for the employees of Somerfield plc. Report On Thursday November 11 Somerfield announced the sale of up to 490 stores and a reduction in its central office and distribution business. The board has decided to focus Somerfield operations on a potential  £30 billion neighbourhood food retailer market. Somerfield currently has approximately 10% of this market and believes it can increase its market share by further emphasising the importance of fresh food, improving the ease of shopping and developing a more responsive culture from its employees.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Product Based Learning

After more than 15 years in Singapore, I will be returning to Australia. Helping to start an institution that was committed to the philosophy and practice of programmable learning has been tremendously enriching in many ways: trying to understand the unique nature of different disciplinary knowledge when crafting problems; deconstructing facilitation practice in classrooms made up of diverse students; designing faculty development activities that try to foster and model critical and reflective practice; and the creation of learning spaces, both concrete and virtual, all of which assist in the achievement of learning.My immersion in the practice and empirical research of PL has forced me to wrestle almost daily with philosophical questions that are not easily resolved. I share two such questions that have motivated constant reflection about PL. Question 1: What is the â€Å"self' in self-directed learning? Aristotle, Kant, Descartes, Habeas and Hegel all allude to the importance of t he concept of self in any theory of human development and learning. In PL there is a strong emphasis on the â€Å"self' directing learning. The appeal for self-directness is very compelling, yet hard to get a handle on.Contemporary sociological texts suggest we are constantly constructing our sense of self. So how does a PL facilitator understand the students' ever- changing sense of self so this can be acted upon, or, perhaps more fundamentally, how does the student derive a notion of self in a manner that would drive his or her learning? Furthermore if the self is embodied by the rational, the emotional, and biological attributes of an individual, how do these combine to inform self-directness? Question 2: How do PL institutions and facilitators affect the behavior of learners?When PL is implemented at an institutional level, it stems from the life that PL can affect the behaviors of students to achieve certain desired outcomes – what should be valued in the pursuit of cha nge? The various traditions in psychology and sociology address the question of how to affect behavior differently, I. E. , whether the emphasis is on altering the internal state, or the manipulation of external and social environments. Parker Palmer takes this divide further and asks is meaningful change from the human heart (the subjective) or from factors external from us (what is regarded as objective)?Add to that the belief that knowledge is socially constructed, and a yard of epistemological and ontological questions arise. In addressing these types of complex philosophical questions that underpin PL, have found myself, at times, confounded by the intricacies of the competing philosophical positions. This can lead, if one is not careful, to a paralysis wherein we choose to either dismiss PL as an idea that is too hard to come to terms with, or accept PL as method for teaching that is simply followed.I addressed the danger of the latter in a paper presented in 2004 at the 5th A sia Pacific Conference in PL: â€Å"An explicit philosophy of teaching grounded in the beliefs of what is knowledge and learning, while also taking into the account the context within which a teacher operates, can provide the basis of a conviction for one's actions, an anchor that can secure the teacher when faced with the opposition that naturally occurs in trying to enact a vision of a better education. This is especially so for those trying to implement or sustain PL in the â€Å"hallowed† halls of reproductive pedagogy.Without a philosophical basis of PL the educator is placed in a perplexed situation of trying to defend the house built on sand with the tide washing in. In deciding to flee from the UN- enable fight he becomes akin to a nomadic wanderer searching the waste lands of instrumentalist drifting from one pedagogical fad to the next but being unable to establish a foundation long enough to ensure when the next wave of â€Å"what is good education† hits th e beach that they are not swept up by it. I share these philosophical questions, as hand the baton over to the new editor of Reflections on PL Karen Gogh, with the purpose of pointing out how there is a continued need to persist in the reflection of PL both empirically and philosophically. In this edition we feature highlights from the 3rd International Symposium on Problem-eased Learning and include two research papers that were presented at the symposium. I really valued the symposium as we collectively grappled with the philosophical and practical issues of PL.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Creation vs. Evolution Essay

Many different opinions have been made when it comes to where did humans come from? Who or maybe what created us? We all want to know the answer to both of those questions and I’m here to try to explain it for you. There are two different types of believe systems on where we came from. One is creation where they believe we were created by a greater and smarter being who lives in heaven. Then there are the evolutionists who believe hat we came from atoms that exploded or aliens who created monkeys that evolved into humans. First off the creationists believe that about six thousand years ago God created humans. â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.† Genesis 1:1(NIV) See in the bible it says God created the heavens and the earth. At the time when God created the world He created a man named Adam and a woman named Eve to rule over the garden. The Satan, the deceiver, came into the garden and tricked the woman into sinning. As a cause the man and woman were cast out of the garden and from then on sin has corrupted the world and made it what it is today. Creationists also believe that about four thousand years ago a flood covered the whole earth.† For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water.† Genesis 7:17-18(NIV). God created a rainbow after the flood as a covenant between Him and us that ne ver again would a flood cover the whole world. Second off evolutionists believe that the world was created by a big bang or some atoms exploding in the atmosphere. So pretty much they’re saying that the world just exploded and here we are today. Newton’s law of motion says, â€Å"Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by force impressed on it.† Which means that if an object is spinning and it gets fit by a strong force than it will wobble out of its original course. What im getting at here is that if you have atoms spinning supper fast and it explodes than the objects that come off of it will be spinning the same way as the original object. So, if that’s so than why are a couple of are planets not spinning the same way as the rest? And so evolutionists are pretty much saying that, In the beginning dust. By: Jason Yendell Recourses: EMBO Rep. 2007 December; 8(12): 1107–1109.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Diverse Leadership Wealth of Our Nation Essay

Diversity is the mosaic of people who bring a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, styles, perspectives, values and belief to a group with which they are to interact. Diversity is a variation in ideas, opinion, cultural and ethnical background, style, values, and beliefs. Diversity is very essential in the portfolio of any organization or team that seeks optimum performance. The best form of learning is by learning from people with diverse ideas and methods of reasoning. Diversity is important in a team, because there will be more than enough idea and skill pool, which the team can benefit from when carrying out assignments and activities. Most people think of it simply as differences in race, nationality, or gender, but true diversity encompasses these attributes along with differences in opinions, ideologies, and interests, among other things. People tend to reflect on diversity as simply demographic, a matter of race, gender or age. However, groups can be disparate in many ways. Diversity also is based on informational differences, reflecting a person’s education and experience, and on values or goals that can influence what one perceives to be the mission of something as small as a single meeting or as large as a whole company. Diversity among employees can create better performance when it comes to creative tasks such as product development or cracking new markets. Managers have been trying to increase diversity to achieve the benefits of innovation and fresh ideas. Over the years, corporations and fortune 500 companies embraced diversity. They pushed diversity to the fore-front and embarked on campaigns to recruit, train and retain a diversified work force. The essential ingredients of performance in the workplace in the United States have always been teams and team-work. Companies built their teams in such a way that it always included people with diverse backgrounds, opinions and culture. Diversity within these teams brought about higher success rates in activities and projects because the team were able to pull ideas, strengths, knowledge and resources from a wider range of intellectual capital. The study of diversity in the workplace has taken on new importance as changing economics prompt many companies to restructure themselves into flatter, more decentralized entities. The result is that today’s corporations are built around groups that must find answers to novel and complicated business issues. These teams bring together diverse groups of people who incorporate a variety of backgrounds, ideas and personalities. Large corporations like JPMorgan Chase, Exxon-Mobil, General Electric, Ford Motor Company, American Express Company, Wells Fargo & Company, Washington Mutual Inc. , Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs were often honored for distinguishing themselves with first in class diversity initiatives in the Financial Services Industry. First the housing market collapsed; which impacted the financial markets; which impacted the stock market. On September 14, 2008, the financial industry held its breath as it watched the fall and death of Wall Street. Lehman Brothers collapsed; Merrill Lynch was sold to bank Of America. What followed was a veritable redrawing of the industrial map: Former cornerstones of the nation’s economy filed for bankruptcy or merged with larger companies to stay afloat. As the mergers are finalized, the new fear within the industry is not so much whether the companies will survive, but will the employees? â€Å"Regarding hiring, everybody will be affected,† said Carlos Orta, president and CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility. Carlos Orta knew everybody will be hurt, but his fears were the impact the freeze and layoffs will have on Hispanics. In all, the financial industry is thought to have lost more than 3000,000 jobs since the crisis started. Mr. Orta predicts that the restructuring of the financial industry will force it to focus more on diversity, because its customers will hold them accountable. He said that JPMorgan, which is now essentially a bank, will have to deal with banking issues. This will be a shock to their system because they don’t subscribe to diversity and never have, he said. The impact the financial crises will have on diversity in the workplace has been the subject of several discus and forums in the last couple of months. The discussion was part of Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. ’s 12th Annual Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Project Economic Summit. The panel â€Å"The Economic Crisis on Diversity and Diversity Initiatives† explored the economy’s impact on women and people of color in the cooperate world. Many of the panelists weighed whether women and people of color have been disproportionately affected by downsizing due to the weak economy. Diversity in large corporations is definitely hard hit by the financial crisis. In recent years advocacy groups have pushed up the number of blacks and other traditionally underrepresented minorities being hired and promoted by financial firms. This current economic crisis has impacted every sector of the U. S. economy . During tough economic times; organizations are forced to focus on their â€Å"core business†. Projects and Initiatives such as diversity that reside in their support area may be delayed or cut often with trepidation about the potential impact delay will have on efforts to build an inclusive culture. Now, as financial firms and other companies downsize or disappear, many of those hired through diversity initiatives have been losing their jobs. As companies trim their workforce and cut costs to weather a faltering economy, women and minorities brace as they bare the possible brunt of the layoffs. Subha Barry, managing director of global diversity and inclusion at Merrill Lynch said that most of her firms’ diversity initiatives were tied to increasing revenue. In the words of Barbara Thomas, president and CEO of the National Black MBA â€Å" As we all know, when anything goes wrong in this country, black employees are hit harder than most other races† . She also stated that, When America gets a cold, black America gets pneumonia. Diversity hiring in the finance and insurance industries has been on the upswing in recent years. Some people opine that the actual effect on diversity when companies merge or downsize will likely vary according to the companies’ layoff and retention policies. Thomas said the Black MBA organization has been trying to refocus on industries less affected by the financial crisis: health care and biotech, global media and entertainment, energy, and food and beverages. The association she says, has been encouraging its members to pursue these industries. Yvonne Hart, associate director of MBA student programming at the Robert Toigo Foundation, which awards fellowships to minority students at business schools, said her organization has been keeping a close eye on how the financial crisis is affecting minority students. â€Å"We always have concerns about that, and definitely those concerns have intensified over the past 12 months† Hart said her organization has changed its programming in response to the recent turmoil of the past two weeks, adding six sector-focused Web seminars on navigating industries other than investment banking and intensified interview and mentorship guidance. The group also held a town hall-style conference call meeting last week, in which four professionals from the investment banking industry spoke to 130 minority business school students considering careers in finance, giving them insights and career tips on how to move forward in the new financial landscape. It’s not just racial minorities who are concerned. When word broke of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy filing, the Forte Foundation, which encourages female MBA candidacies, sent out an e-mail to all the women in their database, reminding them of the career resources the group offers. Apart from the direct impact of layoffs, diversity advocates fear many financial firms will eliminate or cut back human resources or diversity programs. Most industries are already seeing the departure of some top diversity advocates and there are worries that there will be more to come in the next few months. It’s more that the people that are leaving are the ones who were around for years and knew the corporationa and really got what diversity was about. There’s going to be a lot more scrutiny at these companies. If they keep pulling staff, they can’t always justify keeping the programs and partnerships they are supporting. Also at stake is continued corporate sponsorship of diversity organizations. For instance, Management Leadership for Tomorrow, an organization that trains black, Hispanic, and Native American young people for business leadership positions, lists insurance giant American International Group and investment banks Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sachs as among their corporate sponsors. It is pertinent to note that two of their sponsors have ceased to be in existence. In conclusion, it is evident the concept of diversity will continue to be an intricate aspect of the business environments of today and in the future. Organizations must embrace and understand the importance of diversity in order to remain competitive, respond to globalization and promote innovation and productivity within its organization. Strong commitment and leadership will provide the necessary cultural atmosphere that promotes an inclusive environment. Training, education and effective communication will help execute strong change management practices. The rationale for understanding and managing diversity has never been stronger. As new possibilities and opportunities in the business environment arise, the need for diversity programs will be the key to successful organizations of the future. The world today is more diverse than ever before. Our ethnicity, religion, life experiences and all other personal attributes make us unique individuals. We all need to learn to accept what is different from us and more importantly respect it. In this environment, companies are going to have to be very, very savvy and very smart in terms of maintaining talent in their pipeline that is not just white males and even white females. They need to continually maintain a diversified workforce. There has been no report or research that has proved that diversity initiatives in large corporations is in part responsible for the current financial turmoil the economy is in If you want to really be ahead of the curve in your workforce, you have to pay attention to demographics. The pessimist in me says that diversity will slip down the agenda, for most firms, because in tough times business executives could be tempted to fall back on old, familiar practices rather than introducing innovative new ones. But there was also an optimistic way of looking at things, if companies were going to have to shed staff to cope with the crisis, what better time to restructure their operations so that workforces are more diverse. Since the financial crisis is forcing companies to reassess their core values and part of this process would involve a greater commitment to diversity. With a more diverse mix, companies will become a more wholesome organization which will herald new ways of doing business, post-financial crises era. Companies should embark on mundane diversity initiatives, with programs which will help recruit and retain minorities. Once hired, promotion policies that encourage diversity will ensure the best people get to top management positions, and these will stir these companies to paths of success and profitability. Despite all of the economic turmoil facing the workforce or even because of the turmoil there is a need for large corporations to maintain a strong focus on diversity. There has been no time better that now to invest smartly in diversity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Link Between Nationalism And Racism History Essay

This essay will critically analyze the nexus between patriotism and racism in order to set up if there is a correlativity. Racism is an of import argument in modern-day society because it is widely perceived that racism in no longer prevailing but racism continues to be. Harmonizing to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is defined as the, ‘discrimination against or hostility towards other races. ‘ Barack Obama was the first black president of America in 2009 but is invariably greeted with unfavorable judgment claimed by former president, Jimmy Carter because he is black and the ‘belief held by many Whites that an African American is non qualified to be in the White House. ‘ ( The Guardian ) In order to reply this inquiry I will foremost discourse the function of patriotism and the effects that it has upon imagined communities in nation-states in order to set up links between racism. To exemplify my theory I will utilize illustrations of how patriotism was used to advance racist positions and reenforce a peculiar set of ideals. My First illustration is of Nazi Germany who wanted to eliminate the Judaic race in Europe. The German state was to be cleansed and go forth a superior German race. I will specifically look at the grounds why the National Socialist German Worker ‘s Party ( NSDAP ) was elected and how they used patriotism in order to advance the party ‘s hatred for the Judaic race. I will besides look at how Nazi propaganda was used to reenforce racist positions in order to convey together the nation-state. The concluding illustration will research the intensions of what precisely constitutes you to be a member of a nation-state and whether you have successfully integrated into society. In 2000 in the coastal town of Nea Michaniona an Albanian pupil named Odysseus Cenai was given the wages to transport the national flag at a commemorating parade. ( Tzanelli, 2006:27 ) I will look at the grounds why Cenai and others were discriminated against by looking at how Greece maps and looking at the history between Greece and Albania to tie in a nexus. I believe that patriotism reinforces a peculiar image of nation-states in order to make a sense of national pride. I believe that patriotism has stemmed from political motions, faiths and the media. Patriotism is non wholly to fault for racism but has played a critical function in back uping it. The Othering? Paragraph 1 Patriotism is defined as the: ‘Politicised societal consciousness centered upon an cultural born out of shared commonalties, seeking to accomplish integrity, liberty and group involvement by mobilising ethnic-based constituencies. ‘ ( Norbu, 1992:181 ) Norbu ( 1992 ) has identified the cardinal function of patriotism within a state ; patriotism has in kernel sought to reconstruct the original Latin significance of state, people or state. ( Norbu 1992:25 ) Patriotism is an political orientation of the province or a inactive political orientation in so far as it identifies peoples ( states ) with provinces. Anderson ( 1983 ) claims there are three causes of patriotism: faith, dynastic kingdom and print capitalist economy. The historical context will supply the background for patriotism in order to set up the cardinal incentives such as: nationalism, national pride, conveying the nation-state together and making a specific set of beliefs. The state is ‘an imagined political community and imagined as both inherently limited and autonomous. ‘ ( Anderson, 1983:06 ) Harmonizing to Anderson ; ‘The state is imagined because the member of even the smallest state will ne'er cognize most their fellow-members, run into them, or even hear of them, yet in the heads of each lives the image of their Communion. ‘ ( Anderson, 1983:06 ) Paragraph 2HistoryHitler ‘s rise to power had cardinal effects for the German province every bit good as the persecution of Jews. The German populace elected the National Social Workers Party ( NSDAP ) which was controlled by Hitler in order to take them through a difficult period in clip due to the great depression and the economic and national casualty of World War I. In 1920 Anton Drexler published the â€Å" Twenty-five Points † programme which set out the NSDAP policies. Bizarre combinations of political idea were in common in Germany in 1918. The growing of Nazism was doubtless helped by a clime of comparatively similar thoughts. ‘ ( Eatwel, 2003:126 ) This was polar to the party deriving control of the province because the morale of the state was low and the economic crisis made it hard for the state. This plan had set out how the German state needed to take back control and create equality amongst a superior race by the remotion of inferior races. The plan was really negative and critiqued what was incorrect with Germany at the clip and was the ground why it became so appealing to the imagined community.National pride i? Superior raceHitler brought the German province closer by conveying back national pride to the imagined community, which had been losing for so long. He believed that the Aryan race was the superior race and everyone else was inferior. Drexler used Charles Darwin ‘s theory of endurance of the fittest and radicalised it by claiming that the inferior persons should be eradicated. It was non merely the Jews who were discriminated against but besides the Slavs and the Blacks were ‘deemed inferior people, destined for conquering or servitude. ‘ ( 37 ) Hitler used patriotism in order to know apart against other races because they were seen as below them, by doing the German race seem more of import or worthy so everyone else he reinstalled national pride in the imagined community. In his 25 point programme he spoke of how he wanted to unify ‘all Germans in a great Germany ‘ and that â€Å" German people have rights to those equal to those of other states and the Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated. † Nazi Germany were rallied by this belief of their importance and wanted to take back what was truly theirs, sovereignty resides with the Aryan race ( volksgemeinscharft ) Hitler believed that over clip it was going of all time more hard to separate Hebrews from the Germans apart from their faith as they took on European individualities which he believed was incorrect because the Jews who held of import places were working the state for the ain selfish demands. ‘Under Nazism Katz argues ‘racism became metaphysical and the devastation of the Jews was indispensable for the saving of the German state if non their redemption. ‘ ( 68 ) aˆÂ ¦Nazi propaganda i? Encourage themi? FearNazi propaganda played a important function in maintaining the state province strong and to reenforce the province chief policy, which was to make a superior race. Nazi propaganda was used to promote everyone that what they had set out to make was the right thing and the state should be proud for cleaning society. ‘Publicity was designed to startle the population, to implement continued attachment and group trueness. ‘ Hitler invariably spoke of h ow he wanted to take the Judaic race in Europe. Nazi political orientation was systematically used with the purpose of keeping high national pride in the imagined community. In a popular hebdomadal magazine, Der Angriff had a circulation of some 300,000 wrote, ‘the war will stop with the extinction of the Judaic race ‘ and in another widely read article, Das Reich made an indistinguishable anticipation: ‘the Jews will pay with the extinction ( aussrottung ) of their race in Europe. † The repeat of despised towards Jews in the imperativeness would go synonymous in the imagined community and hence would back up the German cause. ‘ Nazi Germany non merely promoted propaganda but when they realised they were get downing to lose clasp on the war they tried to beat up the state by motivating fright. Nazi Germany tried to convert the imagined community that it was non merely them who played a function in the attempt to destruct European Jewry but it was the German public excessively. NSDAP believed that by intimidating the German state, they would hold no pick but to back up and promote their attempts. NSDAP claimed that ‘Jewish Acts of the Apostless of retaliation against the full German people, and non merely the Nazi leading, should the war terminal unsuccessfully. ‘ This clearly shows the nation-state employed these fear tactics in order to beat up the state and convert them that what they were making was for the greater good. Hitler used patriotism in order to convert the populace that what he set out to make was for the Aryan race. The two most of import factors of Nazi political orientation were antisemitism and racism, Nazi political orientation was committed to the creative activity of a maestro race and therefore the riddance of what it deemed ‘life unworthy of populating ‘ among the Germans such as ‘mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, and physically handicapped Germans, along with Gypsies and Jews. Hitler ‘s used patriotism to implement his ideals by claiming that the Aryan race were superior and that the Jews were the ageless enemy of the German people.Political motion i? Historyi? Hitlers anti-semitic positionHitler was an anti-semitic leader, who was n't afraid to publicise his extremist hatred towards the Judaic race and Hitlers ‘ideas sing antisemitism must be entire remotion of the Jews. ‘ Hitler entirely is non to fault for the annihilating offense co mmitted to the persecution of an full race but the NSDAP party who believed in the Nazi political orientation and the people who were involved in it every bit good as the people who stood by and watched. ‘ The Otherring Greece illustration Greece ( 2000-2004 ) there were several instances of racial bias, which brought to the foreground inquiries of national individuality, racism and favoritism. Traditionally the best student of the school in acknowledgment of that student ‘s excellence holds the Grecian national symbol. This was non the instance in 2000 because in the costal town of Nea Michaniona the Michaniote found out the best pupil was non Grecian but in existent fact Albanian, whose household migrated to Greece a few old ages before in hunt of a better life. Odysseus Cenai ( Odhise Qenaj ) is the pupil in inquiry, which caused tumult from his equals and their parents. The chief ground for such ill will was because of his race, he was Albanian and non Greek. This racism towards Cenai and many others who inhabit Greece has stemmed from historical events, spiritual positions and nationalism towards their state. Firstly I will discourse the context in which the events occurred because it provides us with an pen etration to the beliefs of the imagined community. The ground why the Grecian state were so inexorable non to see Cenai an Albanian to transport the flag was because of the significance of the flag. The flag and the national anthem are symbolic mentions to the Greeks with its ain myth of common beginnings and history ( Smith 1981, p. 66 ) . The Grecian flag ( bluish with white cross ) dates back to a decree issued during the Grecian Independence War ( 1822 ) , and ‘entwin [ es ] national sentiments with spiritual strong beliefs ‘ ( Karakasidou 2000, p. 226 ) . The Grecian anthem operates along the same lines, as both its history ( as a piece of poesy composed by the Greek ‘national poet ‘ , Solomos ) and its content refer to the procedure of Grecian ethnogenesis. ‘ Grecian ethnogensis derives from the Greek Ethnos, which means ‘groups of people ‘ , or ‘nation ‘ is the procedure by which a group of human existences come to be unde rstood or understand themselves ethnically distinct from the wider societal landscape from which their grouping emerges. This is an of import construct because the Grecian civilization is really loyal and see themselves distinct from other races due to their belief towards Greek orthodox. The national flag harmonizing to Firth today plays a symbolic map, being a ‘condensation symbol ‘ and ‘a focal point for sentiment about society. ( Firth 1975:356 ) The national flag symbolises the sacred character of the state ; loyal citizens revere it. The national flag plays an of import function in keeping the nationalism and love for Greece. Michael Billig suggests that â€Å" the topographic point of national flags in modern-day life bears a minute ‘s consideration † ( 1995, p. 117 ) . These minutes of ideas towards the flag and the significance that they play are cardinal in making a strong sense of national pride. National pride could be considered ideologica lly racist because you adore your state and you do n't desire anyone staining its image. The parade itself is really of import because it is excessively commemorate the Greeks strength and their finding non to give in to the Italian ‘ultimatum ‘ and resignation to the Axis Forces on the 28th October 1940. Throughout Greece the imagined community remembers the legendary ‘Ohi ‘ ( No ) that the Metaxas fascist government ( 1936-1941 ) allegedly delivered to the Italian fascist government. The struggle between the Greek and Albanians supported by Italy that followed the ‘ohi ‘ and the ephemeral Greek triumph before the German invasion and business ( 1941 ) , are registered as a great loyal act. Parading therefore symbolizes the victory of the ‘Greek spirit ‘ over its ‘enemies. ‘ ( Karakasidou 2000:241 ) nationalism towards their state is clearly high among the Greeks and this is apparent in there conflict against holding a non-Greek carry the flag which means so much to them and in this was they are honoring their t riumph. However this may be good for the Greeks that they love their state but this has besides created barriers between other civilizations. Harmonizing to Nadia Seremeta-kis so advisor to the Greek Ministry of Public Health discovered an association between Albanians and other immigrants to Greece after the gap of EU boundary lines and narratives about ‘waves of infections traversing Grecian frontiers. ‘ ( Seremetakis 1996:489 ) This creates a sense of imagination in that the infections are the immigrants traversing the Grecian boundary line. The intension of the term infection describes the immigrants as if they are occupying the host state, the racialist tone towards other civilizations is apparent and this is due to national pride. Albanians have even changed their names to Greek traditional ways in order to suit into society so they would n't be stigmatised. Furthermore it was from Grecian perceptual experiences that if you were a different ethnicity to them, so yo u are Albanian. ( ibid ) The fact that they cant distinguish between different races reinforces the Grecian state ‘s attitude towards other races and their racialist positions. There was a possibility of allowing Cenai Greek citizenship so that he could take part but some Greeks argued that would non wipe out his ‘alien ‘ individuality. Two female parents of Michaniote students gave voice to such reserves by shouting in a local meeting ‘I will non allow an Albanian touch MY FLAG or sing MY NATIONAL anthem! ! ! ‘ ( Raptis 16 November 2003 ) . The racial tone was grounds of their disfavor of Albanians and their involuntariness to absorb other civilizations into their society. For illustration, senior members of the conservative party Nea Dimokratia ( New Democracy ) suggested that bearing the flag is a inquiry of birthright, therefore overruling the civic construct of the state. The permutation of civic with cultural apprehensions of the state figured once more in 2003, when the Prefect of Thessaloniki, Panagiotis Psomiadis, declared that ‘You are born a Grecian, you can non be turned into a Grecian! ‘ ( Raptis 16 November 2003 ) . Firth, R. ( 1975 ) ‘Symbolism of flags ‘ , in Symbols Public and Private, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.